Friday, December 10, 2010

Compare Prices with MyMoBuy App!

There are these times when you are out shopping and you wished if you could compare the price of certain commodities. This happens especially for local products. MyMoBuy has the ideal solution for you! It has launched a feature that can be used on your Android mobile phone. All you have to do is sign up with the MyMoBuy network. Buy this application and you find yourself armed with an UPC barcode that can help you compare all the products listed in that particular domain. The barcode tracker can instantly pick up the code and check it up. You can then buy the product if it suits your budget and preference.

Mobile users on Android often have to bring together the various components that they use. That becomes a nuisance for first-time users and even for seasoned Android practitioners. That is where MyMoBuy steps in. It brings all of the individual hardware components together. That makes it possible for the new users to get a better grip on this otherwise complicated platform. However, if you are not using all the features of the Android phone, you’re missing out on what you have paid for! Get MyMoBuy to truly appreciate what Android mobile phones are all about!

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